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Reading, Berkshire: Seven Bridges Street now Bridge Street: brewery for William Blackall Simonds, 1789-1790; house for Mr Simonds fronting the brewery, 1789; additions and alterations to the original house, 1802-1803 (34)

The father of William Blackall Simonds (1761-1834) left his brewing business to his only son in 1782. The following year, the young man married Elizabeth May who brought with her a dowry of £2,000. In 1785 Simonds opened his first permanent brewery in Broad Street in Reading and when the business expanded so quickly that it outgrew the site, he bought another in Seven Bridges Road and commissioned Soane to design a brewery and a house. The brewery was built between 1789 and 1790 and the house was finished in 1791. In December 1802, survey drawings (6-10) were made of the house as a preparation for Soane's designs for alterations and additions made in January, February and (working drawings) March and June 1803. The brewery flourished and W.B.Simonds also established a bank in Reading and was its Mayor. (Information from www.berkshirehistory.com/bios/wbsimonds.html)

The enlarged house of 1803 was demolished early in the twentieth century, by which time Soane's brewery had been rebuilt.

See also - Reading, Berkshire: Castle Street and Reading, Berkshire: London Place for designs for a house and for speculative housing by Soane for Mr Simonds.

Jill Lever, January 2012
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