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Working drawing and copy of design, 1789-90 (2)
Reference number
SM (1) 77/2/8 (2) 8/4/4
Working drawing and copy of design, 1789-90 (2)
1 Plan of the framing of the / first floor, Plan of the framing / at large and Section[s]
2 Plan, Elevation of the Brewhouse, Section of the Brewhouse, Section from A to B and Section from D to E
1 1/9 inch to 1 foot and 1/9 inch to 1 inch
2 bar scale of 2/13 inch to 1 foot
1 as above, Mr Simonds Reading, No 1 to No 5, No 1 / The Girders are to be / sawn down the middles / & turned end for end / & then bolted together / The Girders are to be / supported by temporary / Shores / The ends of the Girders / are to be pitched as / far as lay in the Walls / Arches to be turned over / the Girders as shown / in the plan No 3 & / in the Section No 5 / The Joists are to be pinned / and the ends pitched as far as / lay in the walls / Observe the end Walls / plate B lays lower / then the side Wall plates / A.A. as shown in the / Section No 4 the Wall / plates are to be dovetailed / together at the Angles / scarfed where necessary / F. Bracing pieces between / Joists 9 by 2 frad into / Joists & pinned at each / end // All the Pins to be of Oak // Second floor Girders 12 by 9 / Joists 9 by 2½ / Wall Plate 7 by 5½; C. Girder 12 In. square with an / Angle hole directly through it / at D. & then continued in / the contrary direction through / the middle as shown by the / dotted line E; labelled Wall Plate 5½ thick, Joist, Brickwork, Wall Plate, A., B., Joists, Wall plate and dimensions given
2 as above, W.B.Simonds Esqr These Windows are to range with those / in the Store Room / F. These Piers to be equal, G. The bottom of the Cornice / is to be 6 inches higher / than the top of the Roof H. , labelled (plan) Horse Wheel, Copper, Mash Tun, Hop Back, First Cooler, Second Cooler, Passage, Guile tun (longitudinal section) Liquor back, Boiling Back, Copper, Mash Tub, Hop back, Second Cooler, first Cooler, Guile tun and dimensions given
Signed and dated
- 1 Sepr 12 1789
2 Copy March 11 1790
Medium and dimensions
(1) Pen, yellow and sepia washes on cartridge paper (492 X 630) (2) pen, sepia, yellow and pink washes, shaded on laid paper recently backed (567 x 665)
badly-nested tags: br
Soane's office 'Journal No 1' records a visit to Reading on 12 June 1789; on 18 August a drawing for the brewery store house was sent. On December 21 of that year, drawings for the house were dispatched. In February of 1790 more drawings for the house were sent and also for stables and carthouses for the brewery. Further drawings for the house and for finishings to the Brewhouse were sent in March. In January 1791 William Lodder (Soane's assistant) delivered drawings for the finishing of the house and in September there was 'ordered from Mr Foxhall a Tablet with carving of hop leaves for entr: door at Reading'. Railings were installed in November and on 26 February 1792 Soane 'Slept at Mr Simonds'.
A 'mash tun' (or tub) was a wooden vessel with a perforated false bottom on which the previously crushed or ground malt is laid and damped. Working tuns or guiles/gyles were straight-sided casks or vats set below the coolers. from (W. Papworth (ed) for the Architectural Publication Society, Dictionary of architecture, published in parts 1848-1892). The store house would have been used for storing hops, malt and yeast.
A 'mash tun' (or tub) was a wooden vessel with a perforated false bottom on which the previously crushed or ground malt is laid and damped. Working tuns or guiles/gyles were straight-sided casks or vats set below the coolers. from (W. Papworth (ed) for the Architectural Publication Society, Dictionary of architecture, published in parts 1848-1892). The store house would have been used for storing hops, malt and yeast.
Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation
If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk