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  • image Image 1 for SM (32) 77/1/26 (33) 77/1/25 (34) 77/2/4
  • image Image 2 for SM (32) 77/1/26 (33) 77/1/25 (34) 77/2/4
  • image Image 3 for SM (32) 77/1/26 (33) 77/1/25 (34) 77/2/4
  • image Image 1 for SM (32) 77/1/26 (33) 77/1/25 (34) 77/2/4
  • image Image 2 for SM (32) 77/1/26 (33) 77/1/25 (34) 77/2/4
  • image Image 3 for SM (32) 77/1/26 (33) 77/1/25 (34) 77/2/4

Reference number

SM (32) 77/1/26 (33) 77/1/25 (34) 77/2/4


Working drawings for the carpenter: first floor and roof of the offices, June1803 (3)


32 Plan and two sections for the framing of the roof 33 Copy of drawing 32 to a reduced scale 34 Plan for the framing of the first floor


(32) bar scale of ½ inch to 1 foot (33-34) bar scale of 1/3 inch to 1 foot


32 Section from G to H, Red lines show the the / Dormers for a Door to / Get onto the flatt, This Part / Cover'd flatt / with Lead over / Part of the Stairs / and Water Closet // Wall Plates - 8 by 6 / AA & 6-4 / BB 12-6 / CC. 3 / Principal Rafter 4½-4 / Small do 4½-2¼ / Hips do 6-2 / The Center part / (?) Heign'd with Black / Cover'd with Lead / Joist to do 12-2¼ / The Water to be brought / down at the most / Convenient Corner / D The Beam lays / under B from Wall / to Wall / E The Plate 10-8 / from F to F, lettered A to K and 3:0 33 W.B.Simmonds Esqr, Section from C to D, Door, 5..0, Section from E to F, Cover'd with Lead, Line of the Eaves, Wall Plates - 8 by 6 / Beams AA & - 12 by 6 / Beams BB & - 12 by 3 / Principal Rafters - 4½ by 6 / Small do - 4½ by 2½ / Collar Beams - 8 by 2 / Purloins - 4 by 3 / Angle Eyes - 6 by 4 // Joint CC & - 12 x 3½ / Joint DD & - 12 by 2 ¼ / EE lays 4 in. higher / than the Beams A is is shewn / in the Sections at E / F lays under the Beams AA from G to G - 8 by 9 / H - 8 by 9 / From F to F, lettered A to H 34 W.B.Simmonds Esqr, Section of the Floor from A to A, Lead, Girders - 12 by 12 /Trimming Joist - 3½ by 12 / Small do - 2¼ by 12 / Plates round the Building / A is 6 ins lower than B - 4 by 6 / cover'd with Lead

Signed and dated

  • (32) not dated (33) Copy / Lincolns Inn Fields / June 15 1803 (34) Copy / Lincolns Inn Fields / June 15 1803

Medium and dimensions

(32) Pen, yellow, pink and sepia washes, scored and pricked for transfer on thin laid paper with two fold marks (565 x 690) (33) pen, yellow and pink washes, pricked for transfer on thin laid paper (560 x 660) (34) pen, yellow and pink washes , pricked for transfer on thin laid paper (552 x 675)


(32) drawn by a carpenter (33-34) Soane office hand


Stroud (I.F.) has Ledger D - making a design for a house and offices intended to have been built in Castle Street noted by Soane transfer this to W.May Esq, Burghfield, Berkshire. MR's notes: no indication that it was built. Does not now exist.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk