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  • image Image 1 for SM (11) 2/6/15 (12) 2/6/3 (13) 2/6/13 (14) 2/6/14
  • image Image 2 for SM (11) 2/6/15 (12) 2/6/3 (13) 2/6/13 (14) 2/6/14
  • image Image 3 for SM (11) 2/6/15 (12) 2/6/3 (13) 2/6/13 (14) 2/6/14
  • image Image 4 for SM (11) 2/6/15 (12) 2/6/3 (13) 2/6/13 (14) 2/6/14
  • image Image 1 for SM (11) 2/6/15 (12) 2/6/3 (13) 2/6/13 (14) 2/6/14
  • image Image 2 for SM (11) 2/6/15 (12) 2/6/3 (13) 2/6/13 (14) 2/6/14
  • image Image 3 for SM (11) 2/6/15 (12) 2/6/3 (13) 2/6/13 (14) 2/6/14
  • image Image 4 for SM (11) 2/6/15 (12) 2/6/3 (13) 2/6/13 (14) 2/6/14

Reference number

SM (11) 2/6/15 (12) 2/6/3 (13) 2/6/13 (14) 2/6/14


Preliminary designs for alterations and additions, January 1803 (4)


11 Ground floor plan with new domestic offices, sketch side elevation of offices 12 Elevation of the new back to the house of five bays and three storeys, and of the new domestic offices 13 Plan of the Ground Floor with Proposed Alterations as drawing 11 with some amendments 14 Plan of the Chamber Floor with Proposed Alterations


(11) ¼ inch to 1 foot (12) bar scale of 1/8 inch to 1 foot (13) bar scale of ¼ inch to 1 foot (14) ¼ inch to 1 foot


11 W B Simmonds Esq and labelled: (offices) Washouse, Kitchen, Larder, Butler, Store Closet, Passage, Necess[arium] (twice), No 1 Step in door (house) Breakfast Room, Stair Case, Strong / Room, Compting House, Mr Simmonds / room, Eating Rm, Draw[ing] Room and Hall 12 (Soane) W B Simmonds Esq, window heights marked: 3:9, 3:4½ and 3:0 and four windows marked R 13 as above, W.B.Simmonds Esqr, rooms labelled as drawing 12, noted by Soane: as long as it will / hold after after the / alteration, 11.6 or 12 feet high only, Shoe / House / door, If the Stair Case / could go up No 1 / instead of No 2 / it would save a great deal of Expense, agreed (twice) 14 as above, W.B.Simmonds Esqr, labelled (offices): Closet (twice), Upper / Part of / Larder, Closett, Laundry, Upper Part / of Kitchen, Chamber; noted by Soane:Chamber over / Kitchen if possible / 7 feet 2 high, the length ---- ground floor, length to be rul'd by the ground plan; (house) labelled Chamber (four times), Dressing Room (twice), Dressing Room / or Occasional Chamber, open (of top lighting); noted by Soane: * a Chimney / in some part of this / Room ** door of present, ** this is walled present, ** this is the door it will not / be alter'd having / a bed to fit the room some dimensions given and added

Signed and dated

  • (11) Jany 19: 1803 (12) (Soane) Jany 19 1803 (13) Lincolns Inn Field (no date) (14) Lincolns Inn Fields Feby 1st 1803

Medium and dimensions

(11) Pen, sepia washes, pencil, brown pen on wove paper (479 x 638) (12) pen, sepia wash, brown pen within ruled and black wash border on laid paper (367 x 538) (13) pen, sepia washes, brown pen, pencil, pricked for transfer on wove paper (483 x 665) (14) pen, sepia washes, brown pen, pencil, pricked for transfer on laid paper (475 x 689)


(11-12) Soane (13-14) Soane office and Soane


(11) Hayes & Wise


The proposal is for new domestic offices on the left-hand side of the house with the existing ones on the opposite side to be demolished. The back of the house is to be enlarged so that the small court will be in-filled and the attic floor extended. The new back elevation is of five bays and three storeys. Inside the house, the stair has been moved and a counting office has been added and the eating room is now at the back of the house and larger. The drawings show that the layout of the offices was changed from drawing to drawing as was the back wall which was extended with two chamfered corners and then reduced in a closer alignment with the back wall of the house. The chamfered version was the built design.

Drawing 13 has 'agreed' written by Soane against two of the rooms so perhaps that drawing was used in a discussion with Mr Simonds.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk