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Designs and memorandum for the 1823 scheme, St Peter's, Walworth, London, 1823 (14)

This series of drawings was probably started in December 1822 when the Soane Office Day Books record work resuming on designs, but were not finished until 1823. The drawings, especially the sections become more detailed and thorough, and this group includes the only plan produced for the vault, and for the heating system.

Despite the more complicated drawings, the designs start to show signs of paring back on the 1822 scheme, such as the reduction in ornament, changes to the tower, and roof structure, which was in line with the reductions of expenses insisted on by the Church Commissioners, after Soane's estimate for the 1822 scheme came in at £17,800, which was £1,800 over-budget.

The bulk of the drawings for 1823 were executed from January to June. Many of these may have been shown to the Commissioners and Newington Trustees as the new design was approved on 6 May and the first stone of the church laid on 2 June. More detailed designs for the tower, and other specific details were ongoing throughout the remainder of the year.
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