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  • image SM 54/6/43A

Reference number

SM 54/6/43A


[20] Text proposal and estimate for stove heating, St Peter's, Walworth, London, January-May 1823


Memorandum outlining on the left-hand side the proposals and plans for the installation of the stove and flues. The right-hand side gives an estimate of the costs involved


Proposals for erecting a Stove, to warm St Peters / Church Walworth / Proposal to erect one large Stove in Cellar as marked / in plan A. to send out 5 square feet of warm air, which / is to be delivered in the rear of steps of Altar, or through / two large Gratings by the side of Altar / The Smoke to be carried along the passage leading / to Vaults as marked B.B. to chimney proposed for it in a / Cast iron square pipe. 7 x 10 in the Clear. With proper Soot / doors for cleaning – / The Cold= Air=Flue 21/2 feet square to be made as marked / in plan with large iron Glazing outside marked / at C. _ this Cold=Air=Flue to have a Sucktion Flue along / the floor of Vault into it, which is to draw the Air from / the further end of the Church, by an opening being made / through the Vault at D. and a flue carried from the flue on the floor if Vaults to the top of Vaults – by means of this / flue the Cold Air of Church will be drawn from the / further end of Church & prevent the necessity of carrying / the warm air flues, along the church – the end of this / Flue E. will have a damper, so that you may stop off / this flue & use the external Air after the Church is / warmed. – the damper will be so placed as always to / keep open one of the Flues – so that these will always be / Circulation of Air through the Stove _ _ the External Flue / should not be opened till Sunday Morning, but the fire / would require to be made on Saturday afternoon – / Estimate of the stove & fixing as proposed. / Large wrought iron Stove with Air Tubes, Fire / door, and iron work 18” 10.. 0 / 38 feet of Cast iron Smoke Flue at [_] [_] foot 17”2..0 / Mounting the pipes & screwing together wh. doors / in [_ _] for cleaning, & Smiths time laying down the / pipes & cementing 6” “ “ / Large iron Plating for Cold Air, - large damper / for Sucktion flue, - gratings under floors to supply / Sucktion Flue, - Iron gratings for the emission / of hot.Air, - two large dampers to shut off / warm air when required – and sundry iron=base to support Stone covering to carry pipes - & / large Soot door for chimney 20”10- - 122 2..0 / Bricklayers building Stove making 45 feet of / Cold Air Flue; 80 feet of Sucktion Flue to / contain 5 Square feet of Air, laying bottom / for [_ _] making Warm Air Flued &c &c 80” 0.. 0 / £202..2..0 / The Estimate for Bricklayers Work is supposing that we may / build on the Pier the Contractor lays for his paving, and / that the paving instead of laying on the floor, he will lay on our raised Piers – we have not included any / paving – but the raising the Piers is included.

Signed and dated

  • c.January-May 1823
    datable to January-May 1823 in accordance with SM 54/6/43

Medium and dimensions

Pen on wove paper (402 x 320)


Probably Stephen Burchell (1806 - c.1843), draughtsman
There are enough letter forms which conform to other entries by Burchell in the Office Day Books such as the upper case -C, lower case -p and looped -h, to suggest Burchell composed the text. Additionally, the Soane Office Day Book for Monday 11 October 1824 records Burchell 'Copying Specification for warming Newington Church...'


MJ&L 1818


Without a signature on the text, it is difficult to know whether this was an estimate given to the contractors by Soane, or vice versa. The contractor for the stove heating was Mr J. Smalley.


Dean, 2006, p.83



If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk