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- Saftleven, Herman (1609 - 1685)
- Sandby, Paul, RA (1731 - 1809)
- Sarto, Andrea del (1486 - 1530)
- Scheemakers, Peter (1691 - 1781)
- Scotin II, GĂ©rard Jean Baptiste (1698 - post 1755)
- Scott, Samuel (1701/2 - 1772)
- Scriven, Edward (1775 - 1841)
- Seward, Henry Hake (1778 - 1848)
- Sharp, Nancy (1909 - 2001)
- Sherwin, John Keyse (1751 - 1790)
- Sievier, Robert William (1794 - 1865)
- Smirke, Robert the Elder, RA (1752 - 1845)
- Soane, junior, John (1786 - 1823)
- Soane, Sir John, RA (1753 - 1837)
- Stothard, Thomas, RA (1755 - 1834)
- Strange, Sir Robert (1721 - 1792)