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- Gandy [afterwards Deering], John Peter, RA (1787 - 1850)
- Gandy, Joseph Michael, ARA (1771 - 1843)
- Gandy, Thomas (1806 - 1877)
- Garneray, Jean-François (1755 - 1837)
- Gérard, Baron François (1770 - 1837)
- Giambologna (1529 - 1608)
- Gianelli, Giovanni Battista [John Baptist] (fl. 1777-1814)
- Gibson, John, RA (1790 - 1866)
- Giovanni Battista, Conte de Puppi
- Glauber, Johannes (1646 - 1726)
- Gover, S. P. (fl. 1794)
- Green, Valentine, ARA (1739 - 1813)
- Guelfi, Giovanni Battista (1690/91 - after 1734)
- Guttenberg, Heinrich (1749 - 1818)