The catalogue of Soane's Egyptian Antiquities was prepared in 1952-53 by Dr. Margaret A. Murray (1863-1963), an Egyptian archaeologist who worked alongside Sir William Flinders Petrie on several excavations in Egypt and Palestine during the late 1890s. She was the first of a series of female Egyptologists employed at The Manchester Museum (University of Manchester) and later became a junior lecturer at University College London. She catalogued the Soane collection in parallel to Cornelius Vermeule's work on the other antiquities. Vermeule then edited her catalogue adding museum numbers etc. and her catalogue entries were then incorporated into his catalogue. Two entries (Vermeule 35 and 36) for Romano-Egyptian capitals were prepared by Vermeule and 'although perhaps better placed with Roman architectural fragments' were included by him in the Egyptian section on stylistic grounds.
Dr Murray's account of the sarcophagus of Seti I was intended to complement an earlier publication by Sir E.A. Wallis Budge prepared as a Soane Museum publication in the early years of the twentieth century. Dr. John Taylor of the British Museum Department of Egyptian Antiquities has now prepared a new and fuller account of the Sarcophagus which will be published in 2013-2014.
The Egyptian Antiquities section of the catalogue has been corrected and updated with recent research / publications known to the Museum by Helen Dorey, 2011.