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Bronze, cast solid

Height: 15.5cm

Museum number: MR56

Vermeule catalogue number: Vermeule 24help-vermeule-catalogue-number

On display: Model Room (pre-booked tours only)
All spaces are in No. 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields unless identified as in No. 12, Soane's first house. For tours https://www.soane.org/your-visit

Curatorial note

A figure of the god Harpocrates (Har-pa-khred,'Horus the Child') seated. The right hand is raised to the mouth. Eyes inserted. Headdress: the royal head-cloth, the lock of youth at the right side, uraeus in front. Rising from the top of the head is the Atef-crown in debased form, and three crowns of Upper Egypt, each surmounted by the disc, an ostrich feather and uraeus on each side, the whole is supported by the horizontal horns of Khum. Roman. (For a Roman bronze after the Hellenistic conception of Harpocrates, as opposed to this figure in the Egyptian tradition, see entry Soane Museum statue MR45 (Vermeule 429).

Provenance help-art-provenance

Unknown; in Soane's collection by the time of the creation of the Model Room in c.1834. Soane describes the showcase containing small items MR42-MR68 in the Model Room in his 1835 Description.

Associated items

MR45, comparison
Cited for comparison in the curatorial note above.

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