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Polished and gilded timber
Museum number: P34.A
On display: Picture Room - inside planes (by arrangement or on some pre-booked tours)
All spaces are in No. 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields unless identified as in No. 12, Soane's first house.
For tours https://www.soane.org/your-visit - not all tours show the inside of all planes.
Curatorial note
Frame to one of the four Piranesi engravings, P31-P34, which according to 1835 Description were given to Soane by Piranesi himself in 1779 in Italy. This frame hangs within the north planes in the Picture Room in the position that we know it occupied at the time of Soane's death in 1837: as of July 2024 it contains a facsimile of the original etching (removed from display to ensure its preservation).
Until restoration this frame was gilded - a finish added presumably at some point to ensure the frames matched those in the Picture Room. The original black and gold can be clearly seen in the 1796 Gandy view of the No. 12 Breakfast Room.
Until restoration this frame was gilded - a finish added presumably at some point to ensure the frames matched those in the Picture Room. The original black and gold can be clearly seen in the 1796 Gandy view of the No. 12 Breakfast Room.
Associated items
P34, framed work
Soane collections online is being continually updated. If you wish to find out more or if you have any further information about this object please contact us: worksofart@soane.org.uk