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Finished drawing and record drawing for a ceiling for the dining room, as executed, 5 November 1778 (2)

Though the house was demolished in 1950-51 we know that the executed ceiling followed these designs, with the exception of some alterations to the four plaques and cameos. The central painted blue and white oval followed the drawing exactly. The scene shows Bacchus rescuing Ariadne, the subject also used for the library ceiling at Newby Hall.

Stillman notes that the composition of this ceiling is a variant on a popular Adam scheme, and the delicacy and small-scale detailing is typical of Adam's work in the 1770s. It is distinguishable from similar ceilings as it has a central elliptical compartment which occupies the full length of the ceiling, whereas in the others, for example the dining room ceiling at Wormleybury, there are end panels flanking the central circle.
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