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Alternative design and finished drawing for Lord Stanley's dressing room ceiling, 1774; it is not known if these designs were executed (2)

Lord Stanley's dressing room was located on the ground storey of the house, at the end of the rear wing, beneath the bedchamber, and between the library, and Lord Stanley's closet and a private staircase adjoining Lady Stanley's apartment on the floor above. A plan of the house can be found in the second volume ofThe works in architecture of Robert and James Adam (part 1, plate 1).

From Adam's plan in the Works, it appears that the room functioned as an occasional bedchamber, and therefore, should be considered as Lord Stanley's dressing room-cum-occasional bedchamber.

As the house was demolished in 1862, and this ceiling was not illustrated in the Works, it is not known if Lord Stanley's dressing room ceiling was executed in accordance with Adam's extant design.
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