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Castle Eden, County Durham: (executed) porch, (unexecuted) villa and stables for Rowland Burdon, October 1780 (4)

The designs that follow were preceded by two entries in one of Soane's sketchbooks (see Sketchbooks catalogue: 'Downhill' 1780-1, SM volume 80, 19 verso, 20 verso). These are: (1) a sketch design for a porch dated 6 October 1780 and (2) a rough survey plan of the ground floor also dated 6 October 1780. The plan shows a house about 60 feet wide by 50 feet deep with a canted bay on the back and front. There are six rooms and a stair and on the left-hand side, kitchen, laundry and servants' hall.

Burdon had met Soane in Italy and was anxious to help his architect friend but though a recently made partner in the family business (Exchange Bank, Newcastle) his resources were limited and his father still alive and living at Castle Eden (G.Darley, John Soane, an accidental Romantic, 1999, p.61). Soane also made a design for stables for Castle Eden but like the villa neither was executed though he did add a porch to the house built c.1760 by William Newton of Newcastle.

Jill Lever, September-October 2007
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