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Preliminary design, record drawing, and working drawings for a painted chimneypiece for Lady Mansfield's sitting-cum-dressing room, unexecuted, 1783 (4)

The existence of working drawings for this chimneypiece suggests that it was intended to be executed. It was designed for Lady Mansfield's sitting-cum-dressing room which was intended for what had been the private dining parlour on the ground storey. This is corroborated by the fact that there is no surviving eighteenth-century chimneypiece in the dining parlour, suggesting that it had been removed in preparation for this alteration. Harris has suggested that this chimneypiece design was not executed owing to Lady Mansfield's death in April 1784, only shortly after the design was made, rendering it unnecessary. The room now contains a twentieth-century reproduction of Adam's chimneypiece from Lord Mansfield's dressing room in the adjacent room.
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