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Design and copy for interior finishings to the dairy, 16 and 17 October 1789 (2)

Drawing 7 was sent to Mr Watson on October 17th 1789 (Journal No 1), showing the dairy's interior finishings. Drawing 8 is a copy. The dairy has dressers lining two walls, both on reeded legs and made of wood faced with 'composition' (a mixture resembling stucco or cement) that 'will resist the damp'. The dressers are 'to receive the milk either in Wedgewood [sic] ware or in leaded troughs'. Wedgwood pots and tiles were widely used in dairies, providing the impervious washable surface necessary for dairies and decorated with patterned designs or as simulated stone (J. M. Robinson, p. 96). The walls are decorated with plaster plaques depicting churns and cows. The room is lit by two round-headed windows and glazed lunettes above the doors. The door panels have 'flywire' and are not glazed, allowing for air to circulate and keep the dairy cool.

A segmental arch has been added by Soane in pen to one elevation, suggesting either an arched ceiling or a recess.
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