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  • image M931.A

Lion monopodium pedestal to the Chantrey bust of John Soane


Carved and polished marble

Museum number: M931.A

On display: Dome Area
All spaces are in No. 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields unless identified as in No. 12, Soane's first house. For tours https://www.soane.org/your-visit

Curatorial note

This fine single leg pedestal [monopodium] wth lion's head was carved from 'vein marble' by the firm of Samuel Sharp of 27 Commercial Road, Lambeth at a cost of £29. His bill (Soane Archives 7/13/8) dated 30 December 1829 records that it took 2 carvers 21 days each to carve the piece and a polisher '21 days sanding, polishing and attending carvers'.

Associated items

M931, object displayed on this

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