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  • image M410

A Roman funerary urn (cinerarium) with a rectangular name plate between lighted torches

Mid 1st century to late 1st century AD

Fine-grained Greek mainland marble

Height (excluding slab): 17cm
Width (lid): 30cm
Length (lid): 20cm

Museum number: M410

Vermeule catalogue number: Vermeule 325help-vermeule-catalogue-number

On display: Catacombs
All spaces are in No. 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields unless identified as in No. 12, Soane's first house. For tours https://www.soane.org/your-visit

Curatorial note

The large name plate on this urn is between two broad fillets enriched with wave-pattern incised lines and framed in a three element moulding, and is inscribed:


The family from which this Caius Terranius Threptus took his name was distinguished in early Imperial history and civic affairs. A.C. Turranius Threptus was Praefectus Annonae from 14 to 48 AD and is mentioned by both Tacitus and Seneca.1 His father was Praefectus in Egypt under Augustus a decade before. This urn should be dates from the middle to the later first century AD.

The dominant motive of this type of cinerary urn front is the two upright lighted torches in the corner recesses either side of the name plate.2

1 Seneca, Dialogues, X. 20, 3.
2 See W. Altmann, Dir römischen Grabaltäre der Kaiserzeit, Berlin, 1905 , "Verwendung von Fackeln, Dreifüssen, Kandelabern and Palmen". Chapter X, esp. no.110, fig.92.


CIL, VI, I, 1912.

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