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Calcographie des Piranesi Frères. Oeuvres de Jean-Baptiste et de François, qui se vendent chez les auteurs, à Paris rue de l'Université Dépôt des Machines, No. 296.
Calcographie des Piranesi Frères. Oeuvres de Jean-Baptiste et de François, qui se vendent chez les auteurs, à Paris rue de l'Université Dépôt des Machines, No. 296.
Paris (Place), de l'imprimerie de Prault,, An VIII [i.e. 1800 or 1801].
[2], 17, [1] p. ; 22.7 cm. (4º)
The printer's imprint and date of publication are taken from the colophon on p. 17. This is the first catalogue of the stock of the Calcographie des Piranesi Frères after it was established in Paris by Piranesi's sons, Francesco and Pietro, in 1798. Although almost entirely made up of the family's own works, the catalogue also lists the forty original copperplates of Gavin Hamilton's Schola Italica picturae (1773), which was re-published by Firmin-Didot between 1829 and 1839 as vol. XXII of the collected works of G.B. and F. Piranesi. For an account of the publishing programme of the Calcographie (which received official government support under Napoleon) and J.N.L. Durand's direct financial involvement in the Piranesi brothers' project to reprint their father's works as part of a series of reissues of all the major archaeological books published in France over the past half century, see Gilbert Erouart and Monique Mosser, 'A propos de la "Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de J.-B. Piranesi": origine et fortune d'une biographie' in Piranèse et les français: colloque tenu à la Villa Médicis 12-14 mai 1976, ed. G. Brunel, Rome 1978 (Académie de France à Rome, II), pp. [213]-220. For documents on the later history of the Calcographie see Maria Catelli-Isola, 'La Calcografia Piranesi: rami originali' in Piranesi: incisione-rami-legature architetture, ed. A. Bettagno, Vicenza 1978, pp. 71--75.
Copy Notes This was the only copy known to Arthur Hind when he wrote his still fundamental account of Piranesi's publications (see A.M. Hind, Giovanni Battista Piranesi: a critical study, London 1922 [reprinted 1967], p. 4). Bound (1) in a collection of pamphlets on the arts.
Binding Later C19th half calf, blind double-rule borders, brown cloth boards, blind- and gilt-ruled spine, black spine-label, gilt-lettered 'Pamphlets / Piranesi Etc'. Numbered '53' in a series of pamphlet volumes.
Reference Number 3047
Additional Names Piranesi, Francesco (1758--1810); PIRANESI, Giovanni Battista ( 1720--1778)
Calcographie des Piranesi Frères. Oeuvres de Jean-Baptiste et de François, qui se vendent chez les auteurs, à Paris rue de l'Université Dépôt des Machines, No. 296.
Paris (Place), de l'imprimerie de Prault,, An VIII [i.e. 1800 or 1801].
[2], 17, [1] p. ; 22.7 cm. (4º)
The printer's imprint and date of publication are taken from the colophon on p. 17. This is the first catalogue of the stock of the Calcographie des Piranesi Frères after it was established in Paris by Piranesi's sons, Francesco and Pietro, in 1798. Although almost entirely made up of the family's own works, the catalogue also lists the forty original copperplates of Gavin Hamilton's Schola Italica picturae (1773), which was re-published by Firmin-Didot between 1829 and 1839 as vol. XXII of the collected works of G.B. and F. Piranesi. For an account of the publishing programme of the Calcographie (which received official government support under Napoleon) and J.N.L. Durand's direct financial involvement in the Piranesi brothers' project to reprint their father's works as part of a series of reissues of all the major archaeological books published in France over the past half century, see Gilbert Erouart and Monique Mosser, 'A propos de la "Notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de J.-B. Piranesi": origine et fortune d'une biographie' in Piranèse et les français: colloque tenu à la Villa Médicis 12-14 mai 1976, ed. G. Brunel, Rome 1978 (Académie de France à Rome, II), pp. [213]-220. For documents on the later history of the Calcographie see Maria Catelli-Isola, 'La Calcografia Piranesi: rami originali' in Piranesi: incisione-rami-legature architetture, ed. A. Bettagno, Vicenza 1978, pp. 71--75.
Copy Notes This was the only copy known to Arthur Hind when he wrote his still fundamental account of Piranesi's publications (see A.M. Hind, Giovanni Battista Piranesi: a critical study, London 1922 [reprinted 1967], p. 4). Bound (1) in a collection of pamphlets on the arts.
Binding Later C19th half calf, blind double-rule borders, brown cloth boards, blind- and gilt-ruled spine, black spine-label, gilt-lettered 'Pamphlets / Piranesi Etc'. Numbered '53' in a series of pamphlet volumes.
Reference Number 3047
Additional Names Piranesi, Francesco (1758--1810); PIRANESI, Giovanni Battista ( 1720--1778)