Reference number
Vol 121
Giovanni Battista Gisleni (1600-1672), Record book of 116 designs for buildings in Poland, particularly in Cracow, for town and country houses, palaces, manors, churches, tombs, etc. Insc: (on frontispiece) Varii Disegni/D'Architettura/Inventati e delineati/Da Gio:Battista Gisleni/Romano/Architetto delle MMta et Sermo/Prencipe di Polonia e Sueta. Bound in leather, tooled in gold (330 x 220). Bound into the volume at the back is a pamphlet titled Varieta/De Prospetti/Veduti nella Chiesa/Catthedrale/Del Regio Castello/di Cracowia 1649
Giovanni Battista Gisleni (1600 - 1672)