Model for the Privy Council and Board of Trade Offices, London, design for completing buildings to north & south of Downing Street, designed by Sir John Soane, c.1830
Height: 12.7cm
Width: 106.7cm
Depth: 11.4cm
Inscription: At the south-east corner of Downing Street is the proposed new ‘Home Office’ and southward of that Edifice the New Record Office, Chambers for the Judges, the Board of Control etc., the exterior of these Public Buildings corresponding in every respect with the front of the Privy Council Offices and the Board of Trade etc. might be connected together by a Triumphal Arch commemorative of the of the Glorious Victories by Sea and Land, achieved by British Valour during the late War. King Street is considerably widened and continued in a straight line towards Westminster Abbey Church, the centre of the street coinciding with the centre of the North entrance thereto. The Buildings at the northern extremity containing, at present, the Office of the Secretary of State for the Home Department is proposed to be New Fronted and added to the Treasury Chambers [inscription behind the model, on the base]
Inscription: Model of the principal front of a Design for completing the Building at Whitehall, north and South of Downing Street [title across the front of the base]
Museum number: L91
On display: Library-Dining Room