Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720 - 1778)
Frame to P132, Piranesi engraving Veduta dell' Anfiteatro Flavio, detto il Colosseo from Veduta di Roma
Inscription: Lettered in lower margin with the title and a numbered key. At lower centre 'Presso l'Autore a Strada Felice nel palazzo Tomati vicino alla Trinità de' monti. A paoli due e mezzo', at lower right 'Piranesi F.'
Museum number: P132.A
On display: Picture Room - inside planes (by arrangement or on some pre-booked tours)
All spaces are in No. 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields unless identified as in No. 12, Soane's first house.
For tours - not all tours show the inside of all planes.