Francis Edwards (1784 - 1857)
Design for a Counting House for Messrs Thelusson, Nephew & Co, Princes Street
Pen and coloured washes, with white and Indian ink on paper
Inscription: Insc. in black in below the drawing: View·of·the·Counting·House·/of·Messrs·Thelussons·Nephew·& Co.
Inscription: In white ink on a black border below: Whose·Argosies·with·portly·sail, - Do·over-peer·the·petty·trafickers; / like·signiors·and·rich·burghers·on·the·flood, that·curtsy·to·them, do·them·reverence· / or·as·it·were ·the· pageants·of·the·sea·as·they·fly·by·them; with·their·woven·wings· [from Shakespeare,The Merchant of Venice, Act I, scene I]
Museum number: P207
On display: Breakfast Room