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Ushabti figure
Curatorial note
Details in relief, inscription incised. Inscribed with Chapter VI of the Book of the Dead for Iakh-em-Iakht. Belonging to the same person as the following (Vermeule 5; S149), but cast from a different mould.
The artist Maria Cosway was presented with two Egyptian figurines (this one and Vermeule 5; S149) by the French archaeologist Baron Dominique Vivant-Denon. She then gave them to Sir John Soane in 1831 (correspondence in the Soane Archive).
S. Lloyd, Richard and Maria Cosway: Regency Artists of Taste and Fashion, exhibition catalogue, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh and National Portrait Gallery, London, 1995, cat. no 258, p.136.
Dominique-Vivant Denon, Exhibition Catalogue, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris, 1999, cat. 455.
Dominique-Vivant Denon, Exhibition Catalogue, Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris, 1999, cat. 455.
Exhibition history
Richard and Maria Cosway: Regency Artists of Taste and Fashion, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, 11 August - 29 October 1995; National Portrait Gallery, London, 17 November 1995 - 18 February 1996
Dominique-Vivant Denon: l'oeil de Napoléon, Musée du Louvre, Paris, 20 October 1999 - 17 January 2000
Hooked on Books: The Library of Sir John Soane Architect 1753-1837, Weston Gallery, University Park, Nottingham, 30 April - 30 August 2004
Dominique-Vivant Denon: l'oeil de Napoléon, Musée du Louvre, Paris, 20 October 1999 - 17 January 2000
Hooked on Books: The Library of Sir John Soane Architect 1753-1837, Weston Gallery, University Park, Nottingham, 30 April - 30 August 2004
Associated items
S149, pair
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