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Small headless statue of a female
Curatorial note
This figure is clad in a long chiton with loose overfold and mantle with an extra overfold at the waist; her weight rests on her left foot. All the many variations of the type that this statue represents are characterised, in addition to alterations in the drapery, by an accented bend of the mantle passing across the left leg. Although like so many Roman garden derivatives this statue shows an even greater bend of the right leg and less hang of the mantle at the waist, the type as reflected here is halfway on the road to the ultimate Roman derivative of the so-called Sappho Albani type, a copy after an ancient Greek statue made by a scupture in the circle of Phidias and probably representing an Eleusinian cult statue of Demeter or Persephone.1
In its present form the type is related to a statue in the Museo Nazionale delle Terme, Rome, which in its Roman manifestation has been considered a variant of the 'Livia Laterane' (Museo delle Terme, Roma, Room VI, no. 351; Agrippina junior?) and which exists in a number of replicas. These (with bibliography) are as follows, based on information from Photographische Einzelaufnahmen Antiker Sculpturen ..., Paul Arndt and Walther Amelung, 1897, no. 1507:
1. Naples (Inv. 6269; Ruesch, Guida, no. 225);
2. Istanbul, no. 603 (Mendel, Cat., II), from Crete;
3. Madrid, Prado (Einzelaufnahmen, no. 1507;
4. Louvre (no. 2912; Reinach, RR, II, 675, 9);
5. Ny Carlsberg Glypothek (Frederik Poulsen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1951, Catalogue no. 304a; Einzelaufnahmen, no. 4425);
6. Berlin, Wilamowitz collection, head (Einzelaufnahmen, no. 1507);
7. Museo Nazionale delle Terme, Rome, no. 1759 (in Paribeni's catalogue see below).
For the relationship to the Kora Albani, compare Einzelaufnahmen, no. 4416, also in Copenhagen (Poulsen, Cat., p.215, no. 290a), and references cited. The type, dated 400 BC, with a list of eight other versions, is discussed by E. Paribeni, Museo Nazionale Romano, Sculpture Greche del V Secolo, Rome, 1953, p.66, under no.118. He added an example (lifesized) from Butrinto and one in the Vatican Magazine (Maschnitz-Weinberg, no.85). He related the statue to the Kora Grimani. In 1971 G. Despinis published the results of his fitting-together of fragments of the 'Nemesis of Rhammous by Agorakritos of Paros, pupil of Pheidias'. The Copenhagen-Rome-Soane and other statues have turned out to be replicas of this famous marble cult-image, one created about 420 BC: Meddelelser, 31, 1974, pp.79-96 (M. Moltesen).
1 Bieber, Griechiche Kleidung, p. 59 f., pl.XXVI, no.1; Br.-Br., p. 255, etc.
In its present form the type is related to a statue in the Museo Nazionale delle Terme, Rome, which in its Roman manifestation has been considered a variant of the 'Livia Laterane' (Museo delle Terme, Roma, Room VI, no. 351; Agrippina junior?) and which exists in a number of replicas. These (with bibliography) are as follows, based on information from Photographische Einzelaufnahmen Antiker Sculpturen ..., Paul Arndt and Walther Amelung, 1897, no. 1507:
1. Naples (Inv. 6269; Ruesch, Guida, no. 225);
2. Istanbul, no. 603 (Mendel, Cat., II), from Crete;
3. Madrid, Prado (Einzelaufnahmen, no. 1507;
4. Louvre (no. 2912; Reinach, RR, II, 675, 9);
5. Ny Carlsberg Glypothek (Frederik Poulsen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, 1951, Catalogue no. 304a; Einzelaufnahmen, no. 4425);
6. Berlin, Wilamowitz collection, head (Einzelaufnahmen, no. 1507);
7. Museo Nazionale delle Terme, Rome, no. 1759 (in Paribeni's catalogue see below).
For the relationship to the Kora Albani, compare Einzelaufnahmen, no. 4416, also in Copenhagen (Poulsen, Cat., p.215, no. 290a), and references cited. The type, dated 400 BC, with a list of eight other versions, is discussed by E. Paribeni, Museo Nazionale Romano, Sculpture Greche del V Secolo, Rome, 1953, p.66, under no.118. He added an example (lifesized) from Butrinto and one in the Vatican Magazine (Maschnitz-Weinberg, no.85). He related the statue to the Kora Grimani. In 1971 G. Despinis published the results of his fitting-together of fragments of the 'Nemesis of Rhammous by Agorakritos of Paros, pupil of Pheidias'. The Copenhagen-Rome-Soane and other statues have turned out to be replicas of this famous marble cult-image, one created about 420 BC: Meddelelser, 31, 1974, pp.79-96 (M. Moltesen).
1 Bieber, Griechiche Kleidung, p. 59 f., pl.XXVI, no.1; Br.-Br., p. 255, etc.
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