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Section of a Roman carved pilaster or garden balustrade enriched with vine leaves and grapes, with birds set below and pecking at alternate bunches.
Section of a Roman carved pilaster or garden balustrade enriched with vine leaves and grapes, with birds set below and pecking at alternate bunches.
27 BC-192 AD
Flavian (69-96 AD) through Antonine (138-192 AD); or Augustan (27 BC-14 AD), after stylistic comparisons amongst others with a candelabrum, according to Mathea-Förtsch.
Flavian (69-96 AD) through Antonine (138-192 AD); or Augustan (27 BC-14 AD), after stylistic comparisons amongst others with a candelabrum, according to Mathea-Förtsch.
Luna marble
Height: 61cm
Width: 14cm
Width: 14cm
Museum number: M40
On display: Museum Corridor - outside the Picture Room
All spaces are in No. 13 Lincoln's Inn Fields unless identified as in No. 12, Soane's first house.
For tours https://www.soane.org/your-visit
Curatorial note
This piece is decorative work dating to the Flavian or Antonine period. An indication of the possible origin of such an object may be gained from comparing it with the small pilaster in the Casa degli Amorini dorati, Pompeii, on which a relief plaque with facing masks is set1.
1 V. Spinazzola, A.D., Le Arti Decorative in Pompei e nel Museo Nazionale di Napoli, Milan, 1928, p. 52, and see below Soane nos. 282, 283.
1 V. Spinazzola, A.D., Le Arti Decorative in Pompei e nel Museo Nazionale di Napoli, Milan, 1928, p. 52, and see below Soane nos. 282, 283.
Rome; collected in Rome by Charles Heathcote Tatham for the architect Henry Holland during the 1790s. See Cornelius Vermeule, unpublished Catalogue of the Antiquities at Sir John Soane's Museum, Introduction, transcription of Tatham letters, List 2, no.72.
Tatham: Etchings, 10; Drawings, 2.
Marion Mathea-Förtsch, Römische Rankenpfeiler und-pilaster, Mainz, 1999, pl. 83,2, no. 69.
Hans-Ulrich Cain, Römische Marmorkandelaber, Mainz, 1985, p. 173, no. 71, pl. 33, I.2
Marion Mathea-Förtsch, Römische Rankenpfeiler und-pilaster, Mainz, 1999, pl. 83,2, no. 69.
Hans-Ulrich Cain, Römische Marmorkandelaber, Mainz, 1985, p. 173, no. 71, pl. 33, I.2
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