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Presentation drawings showing two alternative designs for the house and office court, January 1796 (3)

In January 1796, Soane presented to Mr Praed various designs for the office court (Journal No 3). On 2 January, he showed the client two alternative designs for the offices, including two ground floor plans and one chamber floor plan, probably drawings 77 to 79.

The office court has single-storey ranges linking raised ends, the farthest from the house having an arched entrance. Covered passages face both sides of the court, with stairs descending gradually to the basement level. The first floor, corresponding with the principal floor of the house, has four bedrooms, the steward's room and a room for Mr Praed. A passage on this floor links some of the bedrooms to the ground floor. Drawings 77 and 78 show a doorway between this passage and the breakfast room in the main house; this communication is omitted in later designs (as in drawing 81).

Drawing 79 has pencil marking the communications between the rooms in the basement of the house; these were probably made as Soane gestured with his pencil while presenting the drawing to the client.
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