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Topographical drawings by Joseph Michael Gandy, 27 October 1824 (5)

Soane left London on Friday 1 October 1824, arriving in Harrogate on the Sunday. He stayed for three weeks in order to take the waters, leaving for Manchester on 23 October, arriving at Ternhill (near Pell Wall) on 24 October where he stayed until 28 October, arriving back in London on 30 October. It appears that Soane's draughtsman, J.M. Gandy, accompanied him for the duration of this trip, as three letters to Soane from Sarah Conduitt (his housekeeper) ask that she be remembered to Mr Gandy. In a letter to Soane dated 20 October 1824, Conduitt writes: 'I hope you will find everything going on as you could wish at Tern Hill ... PS Eleanor's best to you, and my kind respects to Mr Gandy, - should anything occur I will write to Market Drayton by Monday's Post' (XIII.A.7A.2).
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