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Preliminary design and finished drawing for a ceiling and design for the walls of the Etruscan / octagonal dressing room, c1775, possibly executed (3)

Drawings for the ceiling, wall elevation and frieze of the Etruscan dressing room (SM Adam volume 14/15, 32/104, 53/10), suggest from design and inscription that it was circular in execution. However, the ground storey plan, (SM Adam volume 32/101), shows the dressing room to be octagonal in form. Further to this, Lea notes that a survey plan, dating to 1796, also records the room as octagonal. The significance of the design scheme is noted by Harris, as it displays an early example of Adam’s use of the Etruscan style, and possibly the first known use of the device in a wall treatment to have been executed (SM Adam 32/104).
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