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Record drawings, 1807 (3)

All the drawings (most of which are plans) in volume 63 appear to be survey drawings of London houses, some with proposals for additions and alterations.

The later pages are dated 1821; many pages are not dated, the earlests seems to be 1795. Very many are not inscribed though an old MS list (A.T.Bolton ?) identifies street and often client.

It seems that these are copies to a reduced scale of work carried out in the office. And made as an exercise for pupils and also as a quick general source of information on London houses. The general lack of names and addresses (except for the earliest etries) was was perhaps a question of discretion.

Locations include Cavendish Street, Piccadilly,Lincolns Inn Fields, Albemarle Street, Hanove Square, Cavendish Square, Gower Street, Mortimer Street, Curzon Steet and so on.
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