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Record drawing for the library, c1766, unexecuted (1)

Although the library was the last interior executed by Adam at Ugbrooke, the ceiling drawings (Adam volumes 11/191-19) are dated 1766, and as such the laid out wall elevations seen here in Adam volume 50/46 are datable to c1766 also. It appears that although the library drawings are contemporary with those for other rooms, this interior was left until last.

This room is the most ambitious Adam interior at Ugbrooke, but it is still severe when compared with other Adam interiors of the 1760s.

The library is included within a projecting wing on the south-east corner of the house, which attaches the chapel to the house. Eighteenth-century law prohibited the existence of freestanding Catholic churches, and as such it was necessary for Adam to incorporate the library into the chapel wing.

The library was not executed to the design of Adam volume 50/46, and although the central location of the chimneypiece was retained, it is not flanked by doors. Moreover, the doors in the side walls are central, the window wall is canted, and the arrangement and ornamentation of the bookcases is entirely different to the drawing.

The room was restored in the 1990s, and Adam's original green colour scheme was reinstated.
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