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Finished drawing for a ceiling for the hall-cum-dining room, 1773, executed with alterations (1)

In 1773 a decision was taken that the hall, located on the ground floor at the centre of the north front, should also function as a dining room, making use of the medieval concept of a dining hall. As such, Bacchic elements were incorporated into the design after this drawing was made, but prior to execution. The ceiling was altered to have festoons instead of fans around the central band of guilloche, and Antonio Zucchi's central medallion depicts Bacchus and Ceres, rather than the figure of Justice - appropriate to Mansfield - which is shown in this drawing. Similarly, the overmantel paintings above George Burns's 1773 chimneypiece - executed to a lost design by Adam - depicts Diana the huntress.

The colour scheme of blue and green was recreated from paint analysis in 1997, having been lost since the eighteenth century. This colour scheme is unusual for one of Adam's halls, which were more commonly white, cream and stone, but was undoubtedly decorated in blue and green in response to the dual purpose of the room as both a hall and dining room.
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