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Italy: Tivoli: Temple of Vesta (or Temple of the Sibyl), 1778-80 and later (9)

The small circular Temple of Vesta at Tivoli near Rome was an important and continuous source of inspiration for Soane. Measuring and drawing the building may have been another shared exercise by Soane with Thomas Hardwick (see P.du Prey, 'Soane and Hardwick in Rome: a Neo-Classical partnership', Architectural History, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, XV, 1972, p.53). Hardwick's plan and elevation, 1778, is in the RIBA Drawings Collection (SB60/13).

Any drawings for the Temple of Vesta that Soane may have made in Italy were lost on his journey home to England in 1780. Quite soon after his return he copied some of George Dance's finished drawings (see SM 45/3/31, SM P286, SM P279 and SM 45/3/32) as well as details from other unidentified sources (see SM 45/3/33, SM 45/5/1, SM 45/5/2, SM 45/5/3 and SM 45/5/4). Soane's 'Miscellaneous Sketches 1780-2' (volume 40, ff. 83v-81v) has a plan, view and details probably taken from a further source. Other drawings of the Temple of Vesta were made by Soane's office for his Royal Academy lectures (see Concise Catalogue). See also M.Richardson, 'John Soane and the Temple of Vesta at Tivoli', Architectural History, Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, XLVI, 2003, pp.127-46.
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