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Hamels Park, Hertfordshire: designs for gateway and lodges 1781, alterations to offices, 1787, hothouses and gardeners' cottage, 1793 and unexecuted scheme for estate housing, 1784 for the Hon. Philip Yorke later 3rd Earl of Hardwicke (7)

Soane had met Philip Yorke in Italy, and the first commission he received was for a highly finished measured drawing of the Corsini Chapel in the church of San Giovanni in Laterano, dated July 1779 (q.v.). Yorke's patronage continued throughout the 1780s, and on succeeding to the earldom in 1790, he asked Soane to remodel Wimpole Hall in Cambridgeshire. As well as his work at Hamels, Soane was also consulted on repairs to Yorke's town house in Park Street, London (Copy of Estimate of repairs, 1781: SM volume 41/12verso-13verso, February 1784).

See also following catalogue entry for a dairy at Hamels Park.

Jill Lever, October 2008
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