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Record drawing for a chimneypiece and overmantel for the first scheme for the eating parlour (later the ball room), 1771, executed with alterations (1)

The only element of Adam's first scheme for the eating parlour to have been executed was the chimneypiece, albeit with a simplification of the design. The pediment was replaced with swags. The overmantel rectangular painted panels on the chimneypiece, and the overmantel roundel were by Antonio Zucchi, and the roundel is signed and dated 1776.

John Harris has noted that the early pedimented scheme for the eating room chimneypiece is comparable to that for the dining room at Syon (1762), and the saloon at Harewood (1768).

Within the drawings collection of the Yale Center for British Art at New Haven there is a complete copy of Adam volume 22/292, dated 1771.
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