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Record drawings for the great staircase, 1761, executed with a upper balcony and the cove removed (2)

The great staircase is located in the west of the hall and saloon in the central block, adjacent to the state bed room.

These drawings show that the staircase was originally intended to reach only as far as the principal floor, but prior to execution it was decided to extend the staircase to the semi-state guest rooms on the upper floor, rather than requiring guests to use the adjacent backstairs. A landing was added at the upper level of the stairwell so as to remove the need for a corridor which would encroach upon the rooms beyond, but this left no space for the coved ceiling that can be seen in these drawings and it was not executed. Alternative drawings for the plasterwork ornamentation were made, but this was not executed until 1923-24.

There is a duplicate of Adam volume 40/25 in the Kedleston drawings collection.
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