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Variant design for the office court and house, January 1796 (6)

The plans show a design similar to drawing 79 but with slight variations, such as only one ground floor staircase in the entrance range, rather than two. The windows on the opposite side of the court are larger, shedding more light into the wet and dry larders. The bakehouse, meal room and storage have been rearranged.

Drawing 82 is a section and elevation of the offices revealing the varied floor levels, roofs and the relationship between the office court and house. The arched entrance is surmounted by a clock tower in two stages: the first stage has a clock framed by panelled pilasters and crowned with a balustraded parapet; the second stage has a round-headed arch framed by pilasters with incised mouldings and surmounted by a pediment with antefixae and a weathervane. The arched entrance is centred on five bays, the end bays having large rounded windows shedding light into (according to drawing 81) the laundry and brew houses. The section shows lean-to roofs over the single storey offices wings. The varying floor levels are also visible. Tripartite segmental-arched windows face the court.

Drawings 83 to 85 are presentation drawings of the same design. The executed design does not have a clock tower over the arched entrance.
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