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Alternative intermediate designs for a house (2)

Drawing 11 is for a house 70 feet wide and 45 feet deep, with a five-bay front, three-bay west elevation and four-bay east elevation; importantly, an attic storey (with pediment) has been added. The internal layout moves the library to the east side, the justice room into an inferior position to the north-west but linked to a dressing room with adjacent water closet and wardrobe. The front (as with drawing 12) has four pilasters.

Drawing 12 is for a house with a central courtyard. It is close to the plan published in Soane's Plans, elevations and sections of buildings erected in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk…, 1788 (1789) and labelled 'Plan of the Principal floor, according to the first design'. It has a five-bay (south) entrance front and the five-bay side elevations each have a four-column, semicircular portico (simplified to three steps in the published plan). The principal stair is circular on plan; the justice room is (as in drawing 6) associated with the library and dressing room on the west side of the house. The elevation that accompanies the published plan is labelled 'Entrance front as originally proposed' and has, in the centre, a two-storey, round-arched alcove that contains the front door.
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