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Record drawings of the Eating Room and drawing 250 made for publication, Drawing Room and Ball Room (7)

Drawing 248 shows the plan and drawing 249 a perspective of the ground floor eating room. The interior includes statues and shows the ceiling mouldings in great detail. Drawing 251 shows a detail in pencil of the ceiling, mapping out the mouldings. Drawing 253 shows a perspective of the drawing room directly above the eating room and is somewhat impressionistic. Wall paper is suggested, and the ceiling is vaguely mapped out. Drawing 248 also shows a cornice with swags on top of Ionic pilasters (below they are full columns).

Drawing 250 is actually two small perspectives stuck onto one page and are clearly intended as a pair. They show very similar views to those in volume 55, drawings 248 and 249. Drawing 251 shows the eating room again and is evidently a larger version of drawings 249 and fig. 2 of 250. The paintings within the eating room niches can be discerned a little more clearly in this larger version. Drawing 254 is similarly a larger version of fig. 1 of drawing 250, and again, more detail is discernible.
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