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Variant designs for the entrance hall, showing the introduction of semicircular-plan alcoves (3)

Drawings 147 and 149 show the development of the entrance hall design, with alterations made by Soane in pencil and pen included in the subsequent drawing. The first of the series is drawing 147. Soane visited Bentley Priory on the 28 April, krpobably accompanied by these drawings.

Drawing 147 has been altered by Soane in rough pen to have rounded alcoves flanking the entrance hall rather than square or canted alcoves in other designs. Pencil alterations to drawing 147 also show a preliminary design for a staircase at the south-east corner of the entrance hall.

Drawing 148 includes the alterations made to drawing 147 and has further modifications in red pen and pencil to include a starfish ceiling and alcoves on the stairwell. The front elevation is also altered, showing alcoves flanking the main door; this change is included in drawing 149.

Drawing 149 is dated 1799 and shows the final design. It appears to be a copy, with modifications, of drawing 148. The drawing shows the built design and resembles a later presentation drawing of the entrance hall (drawing 174).
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