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Revised designs for villa A, September 1800 (2)

Drawing 4 is a revised design relating to drawings 1-2, but at ground floor level. The general layout is the same in each, as is the position of the centralised staircase shown on drawing 1. The vestigal wings, however, have been reduced in size.

Drawing 5 shows a more complete version of drawing 4, including some of the latter's pencil revisions. It has the addition of a semicircular portico. Virginia Brilliant's TS catalogue, notes that the late 30 September date of drawing 5 is odd as Soane had purchased Pitzhanger Manor by this point and abandoned his plans for Acton. The date could be a result of a pupil's copy or perhaps the re-working of a previous design as a reference point for the new Pitzhanger drawings.
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