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Presentation drawing for exhibition at the Royal Academy, showing the interior of the music hall, exhibited 1792

The perspective of the music hall is framed between a perspective of the rotunda vestibule at the Bank of England (P408) and the drawing room at Wimpole (P410, q.v.). Beneath each interior perspective is a small plan of the room. All three of these rooms were built in 1791 and 1792. The drawings are in their original frame, as they were exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1792 (No. 558) under the title 'Vestibule at the Bank of England, the great hall, Bentley Priory, and the withdrawing room at Wimpole.'

The music hall follows the same design as in drawing 95, omitting some of the ornamentation included in the final built design, as in drawings 122 to 123 (SM volume 69/3 and 14/1/10). It was drawn before the hall was completed in 1793.
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