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Working drawings of finishings to the library, 3 November 1789 (4)

The bookcases are as shown in plan on drawing 23; drawings 24 to 27 are designs for the mouldings. The west end of the library has deeper shelves for folios at 1 foot 8½ inches, between normal bookcases measuring 4½ inches deep. Four paneled pilasters, each with a bead moulding at the corner, frame the cases, with the centre further supported by a narrow standard with two beaded corners. As in drawing 27, the cases have 'slips' inside to support the shelves.

The south end of the room has three windows, a shutter and architrave being included on the west elevation in drawing 24. Soane's note on the drawing requests the shutters to be beaded 'but not cut' until ordered. The architrave to the windows have a bead moulding beneath a plain with a cyma reversa and corona above; the projection of the architrave is to be determined by the space available at the corners of the room.
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