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Design for a ceiling for Lady Bathurst's dressing room / third drawing room, 1775, possibly executed (1)

Adam volume 14/14 also refers to the third drawing room as a lady's dressing room. It is therefore difficult to ascertain whether designs assigned to Lady Bathurst’s dressing room are meant for the third drawing room, or the room inscribed as a dressing room on the first floor plan (Adam volume 32/102). This is further complicated by the designs assigned to the ante room (Adam volume 20/168, 20/176), which also likely refers to the dressing room, as it proceeds the bedchamber.

If Adam volume 14/14 was ever executed, it does not survive. Extensive works under Wyatt saw the north wall rebuilt and the room extended to the south, and so it is likely that the ceiling was replaced at this time. King suggests that strips of ceiling decoration visible to either side of the fireplace in the current yellow drawing room may consist of reused parts of an earlier Adam ceiling. It is therefore possible that these strips were taken from the third drawing room ceiling.
Harris notes a similar use of the groin vault, in a comparable ceiling design made for the dressing room of Lady Williams-Wynn (SM Adam 12/54 - 12/56).
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