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Record drawings of a tripod perfume burner designed by James Stuart, c1760-62 (3)

Tripods were antique objects used as temple offerings. They are described as such by Homer, and presumably Scarsdale would have been aware of this. This particular design, based on the Choragic Monument to Lyscrates in Athens, is certainly by James Stuart as rough preliminary designs for it are held in the Kedleston drawings collection, and it was described as 'Mr Stewart's Tripod' by the Duchess of Northumberland, following her visit to Kedleston of 1766, showing that Scarsdale himself - as her host - was clear about the authorship of the object. Moreover, there was a contemporary, near identical tripod made by Stuart for the painted room at Spencer House (V&A). The tripod was made by Diederich Nicolaus Anderson, and was delivered to Scarsdale's London house at 5 Mansfield Street prior to its dispatch up to Kedleston in 1762.

These drawings, along with others of metalwork designed by James Stuart, were made by the Adam office in order to assist him in designing the plate arrangement for the sideboard tables in the niche of the dining room.
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