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Preliminary design for the Dining room Cieling at Kedleston, 1761, as executed (1)

We know from the Duchess of Northumberland's account of her visit to Kedleston in 1766 that this ceiling was executed with an alternative colour scheme: with a purple ground. As such the form, but not the colours, denoted in the drawing were followed. The design for the ceiling is based on an antique example from the Palace of Augustus in Rome, of which Adam was in possession of a drawing by Giuseppe Manocchi (SM Adam volume 26/169). This particular ceiling from the Palace of Augustus is also illustrated in Charles Cameron's Baths of the Romans (1772). There is a finished drawing to this design for the ceiling in the Kedleston drawings collection. The painted roundels are by Antonio Zucchi, the oblong panels by William Hamilton, and the central roundel by Henry Moreland.
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