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Finished drawings for alternative designs for a chimneypiece for the great room, 1763, drawing 16 executed with minor alterations (3)

Adam volume 22/96, with the alternative, Corinthian stiles is the executed version of this chimneypiece, albeit with urns in the capitals rather than rosettes. Two chimneypieces were carved by Benjamin Carter, arriving in Wiltshire in 1765. Only one of these was installed at Bowood, the other being removed to Lansdowne House.

One chimneypiece survives at Lloyds, and the other was sold at Christie's, London, from the collection of Evelyn G. Haynes on 23 October 2008 (lot. 200). It is not known which chimneypiece is which, but presumably the example at Lloyds arrived with the salvaged wall panels from the great room itself.
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