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Fantasmagoriana, ou recueil d'histoires d'apparitions de spectres, revenans, fantômes, etc.; traduit de l'allemand, par un amateur. Tome premier (second).
Fantasmagoriana, ou recueil d'histoires d'apparitions de spectres, revenans, fantômes, etc.; traduit de l'allemand, par un amateur. Tome premier (second).
Paris (Place), chez F. Schoell,, 1812.
2 vols ; 17.3 cm. (12º)
I: [3], vi--xiv, [2], 276 p.
II: [2], 303, [1] p.
Translated by J.B B. Eyriès. The 'Fantasmagoriana' were the German ghost stories read by Shelley and his friends at the Villa Diodati on the night of June 16th, 1816 when Byron challenged the party to write ghost stories of their own. John Polidori sat down and commenced his The Vampyre on the spot; Mary Shelley, more constrained, was subsequently inspired to write her Frankenstein, 1818. The German originals appeared originally in the first two of the five-volume Gespensterbuch edited by Friedrich August Schulze (under the pseudonym of Friedrich Laun) in 1811--15. In fact he was the author of three of the stories. Three of the stories in the French translation do not appear in the German original. Shelley's party read the French translation by Eyriès but an English translation derived from the French was published the same year by Sarah Elizabeth Brown Utterson in her anonymous Tales of the Dead, including an additional story not in the French.
Binding C19th half calf, marbled-paper boards, gilt double-ruled spine, red morocco spine-labels. Bound by Edwin Hutchinson for 2s. 8d., August 1829. (Archives 7/10/19, book-binding).
Reference Number 341
Additional Names Hutchinson, Edwin; Eyriès, Jean Baptiste Benoît (1767--1846); Schulze, Friedrich August (1770--1849); Laun, Friedrich, pseud
Fantasmagoriana, ou recueil d'histoires d'apparitions de spectres, revenans, fantômes, etc.; traduit de l'allemand, par un amateur. Tome premier (second).
Paris (Place), chez F. Schoell,, 1812.
2 vols ; 17.3 cm. (12º)
I: [3], vi--xiv, [2], 276 p.
II: [2], 303, [1] p.
Translated by J.B B. Eyriès. The 'Fantasmagoriana' were the German ghost stories read by Shelley and his friends at the Villa Diodati on the night of June 16th, 1816 when Byron challenged the party to write ghost stories of their own. John Polidori sat down and commenced his The Vampyre on the spot; Mary Shelley, more constrained, was subsequently inspired to write her Frankenstein, 1818. The German originals appeared originally in the first two of the five-volume Gespensterbuch edited by Friedrich August Schulze (under the pseudonym of Friedrich Laun) in 1811--15. In fact he was the author of three of the stories. Three of the stories in the French translation do not appear in the German original. Shelley's party read the French translation by Eyriès but an English translation derived from the French was published the same year by Sarah Elizabeth Brown Utterson in her anonymous Tales of the Dead, including an additional story not in the French.
Binding C19th half calf, marbled-paper boards, gilt double-ruled spine, red morocco spine-labels. Bound by Edwin Hutchinson for 2s. 8d., August 1829. (Archives 7/10/19, book-binding).
Reference Number 341
Additional Names Hutchinson, Edwin; Eyriès, Jean Baptiste Benoît (1767--1846); Schulze, Friedrich August (1770--1849); Laun, Friedrich, pseud