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  • image SM 46/3/7

Reference number

SM 46/3/7


[6] Design No3 for alterations and additions: first floor plan


The Plan of the Chamber Floor


bar scale of 1/5 inch to 1 foot


as above, Thomas Peckham Phipps Esqr, No 3, rooms labelled: Lady's Dressing Room, Bookcase / &c (twice), Dressing Room, Best Staircase, Archway, Occasional Chamber / & / Dressing Room, Chamber, Dressing Room,Corridor and some dimensions given

Signed and dated

  • Lincolns Inn Fields March 15: 1796

Medium and dimensions

Pen, sepia and Indian red washes, partly pricked for transfer, with quadruple ruled and sepia wash border on laid paper with one fold mark (475 x 658)


Thomas Jeans (c.1775-1866) pupil August 1792-25 August 1797


J Whatman 1794 fleur-de-lis within crowned cartouche and below, ornate W


A plan for the ground floor is lacking. The first floor plan has some small changes from drawings [3] and [5] so that, for example, top lighting is suggested for a dressing room and a lobby, and book cases are introduced to the lady's dressing room.



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk