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  • image SM 8/5/1

Reference number

SM 8/5/1


Preliminary design for a throne in a Classical style


Elevation of throne and canopy with a seated figure

Medium and dimensions

Pencil on laid paper (325 x 199)


Soane Office


Curteis & Sons


This drawing was previously thought to be a design for a new throne for George IV made in June 1825 and relating to Soane's project for a new House of Lords (Sawyer, op. cit., p. 750 n. 2204). However, the drawing has now been identified as a design for a throne for an older House of Lords project, dating to 1794. The design closely matches that of the canopy shown in SM 71/1/5, a design for the interior of a new Lords' Chamber. The ensemble is classical in style with a crowned canopy with carved eagles and lions on a three-step dais. SM 71/1/5 shows the canopy and thrones gilded and hung with crimson and gold drapery.

A new throne and canopy were made for George IV soon after his accession to the throne in 1820. There are no drawings and no references in the Soane Office Day Books that relate to the throne. Soane was probably only involved in the design of the canopy, which can be seen in Sir George Hayter's painting of the Trial of Queen Caroline (National Portrait Gallery, London). The canopy was probably destroyed by the fire in 1834.

Tom Drysdale, November 2014


H. Roberts, "Royal thrones, 1760-1840", Furniture History, 25, 1989, pp. 61-85
S. Sawyer, Soane at Westminster, PhD thesis, Columbia University, 1999



Digitisation of the Drawings Collection has been made possible through the generosity of the Leon Levy Foundation

If you have any further information about this object, please contact us: drawings@soane.org.uk